Hey Friends!
We’re coming out swinging at “quality” content in our Season 2 opener.
For the rest of this season, you can expect us to continue to tackle the nuanced challenges that people who think about marketing face, including:
What the heck is wrong with founders? (Love you, founders)
Why heads of marketing continue to fail at communicating effectively with founders and other execs
How community actually works
Share today’s episode with someone that needs to update their definition of quality marketing.
(Let’s be honest, you know exactly who needs it…)
Gratitude overload
First, to YOU for your support for Season 1 of Don’t Say Content. We’re proud to be in the top 25% of podcasts by downloads.
And also to our fantastic production partners, Share Your Genius (❤️ Rachel Downey and Katie Mills). If you or your company is looking to launch a podcast, reach out and tell them we sent you.