Hi friends,
Following existing playbooks can be a great way to get started, especially for junior marketers who are creating and executing strategy for the first time. Long-term they are too prescriptive to be more than a simple means to an end (increase traffic, generate leads, etc).
Frameworks, when used (correctly) as guides, not maps, are helpful for scaling strategy and getting buy-in from executives and your team (and building your personal brand). The problem is that most of the “frameworks” being perpetuated (like that ridiculous linear journey map) aren’t actually frameworks because they are also too prescriptive to achieve impact at scale.
Playbooks and frameworks are blunt force instruments when used at face value.
So what’s the answer, then?
In this episode, we talk about a framework that integrates culture, brand, content and community to create a movement that fuels growth, recruitment and retention of employees while also building a community around the brand.
Created in partnership with Share Your Genius, a badass award-winning, woman-owned podcast production company for B2B companies.
For more from Devin + Margaret, head to dontsaycontent.com.
Say hello!